Thursday, July 24, 2014

YSA Conference or Youth Conference "All World--We're In His Good Hands"

 "All World--We're In His Good Hands" 

(From Allstate 'are you in good hands?') 

Scripture for theme 1Nephi 21:15-16 

...Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee, O house of Israel.

16 Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.

--Trust activities with hands - Fall catch- team relay etc 
--Learn sign language song- "I am a Child Of God"
--Make Play-dough for kids 
--Make bread together break up into teams and have each person take turn Kneading dough
--Service Project -- Make kits for kids in Hospitals or Make tie blankets for Army  etc 

--Allstate logo with All-world 

--Are WE good hands ? -- Do we serve Christ by serving others?
 (Extra Listen To  "You Are MY Hands" Elder Uchtdorf ) 

--All World-- Christ and Heavenly Father love all the world

--We're in His Hands-- God has a plan for us and we need to learn to accept His will and know that He loves us and wants the best for us.

--Mortal Life Insurance -- Need to pay for it. Tithing, Covenants, Keeping Commandments We must be righteous and be working with faith to receive earthly blessings

--Immortal Life Insurance-- Christ has paid the price for all. We must show gratitude for this amazing gift by showing love to others and keeping the Commandments.
( Extra  Listen to  "His Grace Is Sufficent" Brad Wilcox

Logo Idea To put on shirts 

Monday, July 21, 2014

P.J.S Party

-Everyone comes in PJS

-Have each person bring a decoration or food item that starts with letter P , J or S. 

-Dinner is pizza or PB&J 

-watch a movie or have a talk on Prayer. Journal .& Scriptures.
Or do both

Extra Have a pajama fashion show and photo shoot. 

Blind Fold Day

Have 10 activities to do while blind folded 

Before the activity starts hand out blind folds and have people personalize their own. Can get sleeping masks or black fabric. Have people write their name and what ever else they want on it. Split into groups have one leader for each group. 

Activity Ideas 


-obstacle course 

-Guess Who (have one person stand in front of the blind folded person. The tester feels the face of the other person and tries to guess who it is.)

-Senses Stations
* What's that? Have 5 things to touch for tester to touch and guess what it is

* do you know the sound? ( Have a cd,tape or iPod with recorded sounds have an assistant push play and record testers guesses)

*smell and taste
( have three assistants. First gives tester food. Second holds scent to testers nose. Third records the guesses of the tester. Examples eat apples while smelling onion powder tester believes apple is an onion. Or eat skittle while smelling mint tester will believe it is a chewy peppermint. Etc just keep your mind open and test before you do the food and scent at the activity.)

-Colring table -- have crayons set up in buckets. Have entire table covered with butcher paper. Let people color while blind folded. Replace paper for each group.

-cookie decorating give each person a cookie on a plate. Have frosting, sprinkles etc in bowls. Have people decorate cookie while blind folded. Then have people eat creations(if they want to)

-pin the tie on the missionary (make a poster of face and torso of missionary have ties to tape on or missionary tags or both :)

-Eat lunch or dinner with everyone blind folded except waiters. Being blindfolded intensifies the taste of the food :)

-EXTRA At end have someone speak on being blind to temptation and how to open our eyes and hearts to the Holy Ghost.