Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Family Home Evening (FHE) Jar Craft

Create A Family Night Jar 

Items Needed 

-- Jar with top 
-- Paint 
-- Ribbon 
-- other decorating items 
--Slips of paper to fill out - Songs, Lesson, Scripture and activity. 
Opening Song-  "I Am A Child Of God"
Lesson- We are all Children of God who loves us. He knows us and has a plan for us. When we are obedient we are blessed. We are never alone because Heavenly Father loves us. We are truly His children and when we love our family we show love for Him. 

Scripture- Romans 8:14-17 
Closing Song- "A Child's Prayer"  
Activity- (Kids) Matching game- Match the baby animal to the parent 
(Teens/ Young Adults) Share your testimony of being a Child Of God. 


  1. Decorate Jar
  2. Fill out slips of paper 
  3. Put FHE Papers in Jar 
--When you have a busy Monday night Pick a 
FHE Paper from the jar to have a fun easy FHE

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